1.Initiating business in alignment with sales, Early involement in planning phase of customer, Providing support to target customers to increase our efficiency in sales activities and probability of an order placement (increased hit-rate)
2.Fast and flexible response to target customers for questions related to TIP (LV/MV* product/systems) portfolio, support to our sales on technical challenging products / application topics.
3. Gaining, sharing and updating of project information.
4. Organization of regular project round tables, alignment with all relevant Siemens organizational units (LV+MV*+TIP CoC) in regular project meetings.
5.Support and Knowledge transfer on TIP portfolio and application / solution know-how with our target groups (EU, EPC, DI)
(Energy distribution concept / branch concepts, Budget definition, Network planning, dimensioning and calculation, Specifications)
1.Profound professional sales experience / network planning experience in project business (at least 3-5 years)
2.Experience in conception, planning and dimensioning of electrical networks related to Low- and Medium Voltage, Detailed Low – and Medium Voltage Product /System,knowledge, Experience in preparation of tender specifications
3. Basic project management knowledge
4. Ability to generate networks and customer relationships
5. Willingness to perform under pressure and fulfill OI and hit-rate targets
6.Qualification to be covered in teams, single members contribute with specilist qualifcations to team qulaification